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Автор Тема ICON 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networks 12 to 14th December, 2008 New Delhi INDIA

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[*] размещено 19-5-2008 в 13:23
ICON 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networks 12 to 14th December, 2008 New Delhi INDIA

У Нижегородского НТОРЭС им. А. С. Попова давние связи с Институтом инженеров по электронике и электротехнике (IEEE). Вот итог очередного нашего контакта:

ICON was first started as the IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks (SICON'89) to provide a biennial forum for the presentation of research in computer networks, communications and distributed systems. To keep pace with the rapid advancement in computer networks and related fields, the Singapore IEEE Computer Chapter decided to hold the conference annually in 1998. The title of SICON was subsequently changed to International Conference on Networks (ICON) in 1999 to better reflect its growing international standing, and appropriately, ICON was held outside Singapore for the first time in 1999 in Brisbane, Australia.

The 16th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2008) will be held in New Delhi, India from Dec. 12th to 14th, 2008. The Conference will provide a forum for representatives from industry, academia and government agencies to share ideas and discuss the innovations in the area of computer networks and communications. ICON 2008 will have one day of Tutorials and two days of Paper & Poster Presentations besides lectures by eminent speakers. Contributions in the form of papers describing original research, surveys and/or applications and practical experience are invited on the topics including, but not limited to, the following:

• Application layer protocols
• Flow and Congestion control
• Multicasting
• Network fault-tolerance and reliability
• Network I/O and storage area networks
• Network issues for multimedia, web and gaming
• Network middleware
• Network pricing and billing
• Next generation networks
• Optical and photonics networks
• Peer-to-peer and overlay networking
• Policy based networking
• Privacy, security, DOS and defenses
• Quality of Service
• Routing, switching and addressing
• Scheduling and resource management
• Traffic Engineering and Network management
• Wireless LANs and PANs
• Mobile ad hoc and mesh networks
• Wireless Sensor networks
• E-commerce



Suresh C. Saxena,
Director, IIT Roorkee, India

Advisory Committee

Chair: Daljit K. Mehra, IIT Roorkee, India
Co-Chair: V Bhardwaj, NUS, Singapore


S. Ramakrishna, CDAC, India
A Kshemkalyani, USA
D Aggarwal, USA
A Pal, IIT Kharagpur, India
S Pal, ISI, India
Karmeshu, JNU Delhi, India
I J Rudas, Hungary
R Chang, Hongkong
V Leung, Canada
G Barua, IIT Guwahati, India
B N Jain, IIT Delhi, India
S. Ray, IIT Roorkee, India

Technical Program Committee

Chair: M. Misra, IIT Roorkee, India
Co-Chair: A Mittal, IIT Roorkee, India


T. Y Meng, NUS, Singapore
Mr. H. P. Raghunandan, IBM
M M Kantardzic, USA
K Pawlikowsi, New Zeland
A Boukerche, Canada
P Ezhilchelvan, UK
D Hutchison, UK
T Moors, Australia
K Avrachenkov, France
F Safaei, Australia
Siva Kumar, IIT Bombay, India
Mr. R Mittal, Aricent
Mr. M Goel, Cisco, USA
M. Pai, MIT, India
A K Chaturvedi, IIT Kanpur, India
R Niyogi, IIT Roorkee, India

Organizing Committee

Chair: Kumkum Garg, IIT Roorkee, India
Co-Chairs: R. C. Joshi, IIT Roorkee, India
Local Arrangements: Rajendra P Agarwal
Finance: Ranajit Mitra
Registration: Ramesh C Joshi
Member: Durga Toshniwal, member
Tutorials: Anil K Sarje
Member: Manoj Misra, member
Hospitality: Shiv K Varma
Publicity: Kuldip Singh
Member: Dharmandra Singh, member
Technical Sessions: Sachendra N Sinha
Member: Rajdeep Niyogi, member
Industry Liaison: Padam Kumar
Website Management: Ankush Mittal
Proceedings: Siddharth Chakravorty

Important dates:
• Tutorial proposals due: 15 June 2008
• Full papers due: 15 June 2008
• Notification of acceptance: 15 August 2008
• Camera-ready papers due: 30 Sept. 2008
• Tutorials: 12 December 2008
• Conference: 13-14, December 2008

Contact Address:

Prof. Kumkum Garg,
Department of E & CE
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 247667 ( http://www.iitr.ac.in/ )
Email: icon2008@iitr.ernet.in
Ph: +91-1332-285649

Prof. Manoj Misra,
Department of E & CE
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 247667
Email: icon2008@iitr.ernet.in
Ph: +91-1332-285642


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